The Lighter Side of Wills

Some Inheritance Humor Enjoy these funny stories from Les Kotzer at Fish & Associates. Barry Fish and I have co-authored four books relating to wills and inheritance. Two of our books, Where There’s An Inheritance and TheWills Lawyers,…
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Downloads and Links from What’s Your Next Move Seminar

Downloads and links from 'What's Your Next Move?' - June 5th, 2019 Seminar: Lisa Sinopoli's Presentation Neela White's Presentation Presentation Highlights from Neela Naborly - Tenant Screening Service &nb…

Will you or will you not?

  It's okay; you're not alone. If you're sitting there thinking I haven't written my will or edited it in the past 10 years, you're part of the club. Findings from a recent CIBC poll found that nearly half of respondents hadn't even…